Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cold frames and hot beds - get a jump spring

Cold frame greenhouses, cold frames, sun boxes, nesting sites - call them what you want. All these structures are designed, affordable and easy ways to provide you extend your growing season. Once considered the poor emissions, these little boxes is growing a great addition to your garden thought, if you have a greenhouse full. Let's take a look at the differences between them.

A cold frame, sometimes a window the sun is probably the easiest. It isan excellent place to acclimatise plants to the greenhouse before planting them. This is basically a bottomless wooden box about 1 meter deep and the ground or sunk into the ground a few inches. The size is up to you, but make it big, so you can easily and more inside. If you are working directly in the frame, then add a layer of 4-5 cm of soil and compost.

Jump Starter

The most essential part of a cold frame is a sloping roof made of a transparent orsemi-transparent material to transfer heat from the sun. old window sliding covers and work, but you can use film or rigid plastic. It 'important that the lid is movable and adjustable for ventilation. Both cold frames and boxes of Dom rely solely on the sun (which is called the sun boxes), for their warmth as you put them in a sunny sheltered, protected from the wind.

In cold winter areas, the cold frame for the start of hardy annual and early lettuce. It isCare is also a good place for seedlings prior to planting in the garden. As the weather gets warmer, you can use to start rooting for the annual race as well as some seeds germinate. Sow cool weather crops in the autumn in order to have a source of fresh vegetables, roots and tubers during the winter months.

An incubator is a cold with an internal source of heat. It may be a thermostat electric heating cable, a lamp or shit! Each of theseHeating methods to keep the plants from freezing, even with outside temperatures of about 15F degrees dip.

To install a heating wire, dig about 6 inches from the floor and lay the cable, loop back and forth. Cover with about 2 inches of sand, then 4 inches of topsoil. To use eight 25-watt incandescent light bulb suspended over his head and connecting it to a power source and a timer. To find the heat with the fresh manure breeding ground, an area under the frame of about 12 cm. Fillmanure mixed with straw and then add 4 inches of soil on top. composted as fertilizer, will heat!

A cold frame greenhouse is really a small greenhouse, and there are several kits on the market. They are generally larger outbreaks standing at a height of 2 meters. You have a frame of wood, metal or hard plastic, the support from a semi-transparent polycarbonate plastic, which is often double-walled for insulation. The roof is sloping and turning, sometimes byCentre so that it can be accessed from both sides. Hard, stiff and lightweight, easily moved into the garden.

There are many ways to extend the growing season and provide a protective environment for your plants. Why not add a couple of frames in a cold greenhouse or cold frame to your garden and enjoy the spring salad, garden fresh

Cold frames and hot beds - get a jump spring

campfire cooking grill

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