Thursday, October 20, 2011

Skateboarding Trick

Skateboarding Trick

Jump Starter

Here we got information on a skateboard trick called a heelflip. Listen up to what this ole trick entails, then get out there and give it a go!

The heelflip is not a direct descendant of the ollie if ya know what I mean, but is the opposite of a kickflip as the board spins towards the toes, rather than away from them. I hope that this is clear! Well it will be as we continue.

Now here is what we call the regular, standard, basic, and any other word that may come to mind, heelflip:

OK, the front foot should be placed towards the heel side edge of the board not too far forward, and the back foot must be placed right on the tail of the board, but at a slight angle.

So with the first move you are popping the tail of the board with your back foot, and jumping up into the air.

With the same movement slide your front foot out diagonally so the board starts spinning as you lean over the board.
So with your front foot over the top bolts you kick so the deck spins fully and you get your feet out of the way as it spins around.

You then catch the board and roll away. If you can stop the board spinning while your feet are still in midair then all the better too.

So that folks is the basic heelflip, which with a little bit of work on your part is a pretty damn cool trick to know. There are a host of variations on the heelflip, but I am saving them for a rainy day!

These include the double heelflip, triple heelflip, varial heelflip, 180 heelflip, 360 heelflip and many more.

Get the basic one right and then you can graduate to a few of the many variations of this.

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